Open Access Journal

Manuscript submission

Volume 29 (1978), issue 9

Characteristical models of job evaluation in wood industry (1)

Research subject and fields:

Considering the drawbacks of present job evaluation system in wood industry this paper has been intended as a contribution to its improvement and the solution of the problem. Studying the problems of present job evaluation theory and its practical application in wood industry a definite aberration between theory and practice has been noticed. Investigations bave been made in working organizations of SR Croatia wood industry. Based upon five identified characteristical models of job evaluation in wood industry a number of theoretical and practical conceptions have been obtained, based upon which the attitudes in job evaluation perspective in wood industry as well as the dilemmas and solutions connected with definite models and methods applications bave been reached. As job evaluation bas not been sufficiently and thoroughly researched either in theory or in practice, this paper aims to draw attention to some new possibilities of job evaluation and to organizational methods applications. By this the attention has been directed to the fact that present job evaluation theory has extended the contents, tasks and aims of job evaluation methods. Practice should prove the accuracy of these suppositions.


Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology

DRVNA INDUSTRIJA Scientific Journal of Wood Technology

ISSN 0012-6772 (Print) / ISSN 1847-1153 (Online)

Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology University of Zagreb, Svetošimunska 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska - Croatia
Tel: +3851 2352 430, E-mail:
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ružica Beljo-Lučić, Ph.D. E-mail:
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