Influence of sawing technology on utilization of firwood logs
Research subject and fields:
Shortage of sawmill raw material stimulates more and more engagement in
finding out ways for better utilization during sawing. These investigations are
also one of the contributions to this purpose and are based on experimental and
theoretical measurements of utilization in sawing fir timber by two different sawing
methods. Utilization was the basic question when sawing live and cant sawing,
which had been analyzed before, but for conversion conditions prevailing at that
Now carried out investigations involve up-to-date technology of sawing firwood
in one of our plants for log classes of 35 - 39 cms mean diameter.
For each sawing method, three different saw arrangements have been used,
and the results checked up by statistical methods.
The theoretical part of simulating sawing has been effected by means of a computer
program, and such sawing, as it has been expected, produces slightly higher
values of quantitative utilization than experimental utilization. Comparing sawing
live and cant sawing, obtained results are opposite for simulating and experimental
sawing. Namely, simulating sawing live produces slightly higher values of
utilization than cant sawing, while experimental sawing produces in general opposite