Open Access Journal

Manuscript submission

Volume 34 (1983), issue 5-6

The determing intensified efforts in sawmill production as a supposition for objectivization of complexity of work estimate

Research subject and fields:

In the organizations of associated labour in timber industry still not enough attention has been paid in estimate of jobs or tasks and in improvement of job evaluation. By inertia of old relationships still existing, the job estimate has been done off-and-on without adequate systematic and professional approach, resulting in an inadequate evaluation of individual jobs. The purpose of this article is to show the relationship among individual groups of requirements which are of particular significance in drawing up a system of job estimate. A special stress is put on a group of requirements »efforts«, for it has been noticed that in the mills adhering to conventional method of timber conversion with satisfactory level of mechanization, still, perform jobs and tasks involving considerable efforts. On the basis of such knowledge a stress is put on inadequacy of ponderations established among the groups of requirements knowledge and efficiency and responsibility on the one hand, and a group of requirements efforts and working conditions on the other hand.


Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology

DRVNA INDUSTRIJA Scientific Journal of Wood Technology

ISSN 0012-6772 (Print) / ISSN 1847-1153 (Online)

Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology University of Zagreb, Svetošimunska 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska - Croatia
Tel: +3851 2352 430, E-mail:
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ružica Beljo-Lučić, Ph.D. E-mail:
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