Processing of Bog-oak (Ouercus robur, Erch) into Fine Veneer
Research subject and fields:
Wood which has been exposed for a long time to running or stagnant water undergoes changes in colour as well as in some physical and mechanical properties. Subfossil wood or abonos is dark brown to black. The change in colour is a result of the decomposition of the wood components. This is not due to the action of micro-organisms but is a consequence of the joint action of a number of factors in water and of the reaction of salts of iron in water with the tannins in oakwood. The length of oakwood exposure to water has been estimated according to the intensity of the discoloration, iron salts content and by the C-14 carbon test. Bog-oak and recent oakwood were cut into precious veneers 0.6 mm thick which are used for the production of costly fumiture, interior design, musical instruments, marquetry, decorative boxes etc.